Florida – Moving Violations Florida Ticket Fix - Moving Violations - Defense Optimizer Step 1 of 32 3% Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Is your license plate number correct on the ticket?*YesNoDid you have an emergency that caused you to get the ticket?*YesNoWhat type of emergency*Medical emergency for meMedical emergency for my familyMy pet was sickSomeone was harassing me and I had to get awayOtherDo you have a witness to bring to court to repeat your story about what happened?*YesNoDo you have photos showing that you are innocent or can help your story?*YesNoWill you be willing to ask for a trial to see if the police officer will decide not to come to the trial?*YesNoDo you need more time to set the trial date because of work or other conflict?*YesNoIf you got more than one ticket, would you be willing to tell the judge that you would like to pay for one ticket and have the other tickets dropped?*YesNoHave you had driving tickets before that are now on your driving record?*OneTwoThree or moreNoWould you be willing to attend traffic school to avoid points on your license?*YesNoDo you want the judge to not find you guilty (called "adjudication"), so that your rates will not increase because you cannot afford to pay increased insurance rates?*YesNoPlease enter this information from the ticket you receivedTicket number*Date of ticket*Is any of the information on your ticket wrong?*YesNoWhat information is wrong? (Check all that apply)*Ticket numberDate of ticketTime of ticketName of DriverLicense Plate NumberCar Make Model or YearNumbers Listed as State StatuteWhat was your moving violation ticket for:*SpeedingNot Wearing a Safety BeltRunning a Stop SignRunning a Red Light with a CameraTexting While DrivingOther Driving ViolationsDriver's License ProblemsCar Registration ProblemsNo Car InsuranceVehicle Equipment Problems For Speeding Tickets:What was the ticket for?*SpeedingSpeeding on a State Road, Interstate, or Toll RoadSpeeding on a City or County RoadSpeeding in a School ZoneLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.183?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.187?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.189?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.1895?*YesNo Were you ticketed for speeding less than 15 miles per hour over the speed limit?*YesNoDoes your ticket explain how the conditions allowed the police officer to clearly assign the speed to your vehicle alone?*YesNoAre you willing to ask the police officer questions in the courtroom?*YesNoAre you willing to argue against the police officer's evidence in the courtroom?*YesNoAre you willing to ask the police officer to lower the speed amount on the ticket in the courtroom?*YesNoHow many miles per hour over the limit will you agree to?* For Safety Belt TicketsLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.614?*YesNoWere you sitting in the front seat?*YesNoWere you wearing your safety belt while the vehicle was moving?*YesNoDid you take off your safety belt after pulling over?*YesNoWhy did you take off your safety belt after pulling over?*To get out my license and registrationTo exit the vehicleSo I could turn around and see what was happeningWhy were you not wearing a safety belt while the vehicle was moving?*The Safety Belt was not workingThe vehicle was in a parking lotThe vehicle was on a private roadI was only going a short distanceI accidentally forgot to put on my safety beltI thought I had put on my safety beltHave you gotten the safety belt repaired since the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to show you got your safety belt fixed?*YesNo For Stop Sign Tickets:Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.123?*YesNoDid you see the stop sign?*YesNoWas it hard to see the stop sign because it was dark?*YesNoWas the stop sign hard to recognize because it was damaged?*YesNo Was the stop sign blocked so you could not see it?*YesNoWhat blocked the stop sign?*TreesBushesCarTruckTrash cansWas the stop sign in a parking lot?*YesNoWas the stop sign on a private road?*YesNo For Red Light Camera TicketsLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.0083?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.074?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.075?*YesNoHad your front wheels passed the stop bar line before the light turned red?*YesNoDid you come to a full stop before turning right at a red light?*YesNoDid you turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street after stopping?*YesNo Did you see the red light?*YesNoWas the red light blocked so you could not see it?*YesNoWhat blocked the red light?*TreesA TruckSunlightDid you not see the red light because a wreck or another driver or a person distracted you?*YesNoWhat distracted you?*A wreck near the intersectionAnother driver racing up behind youAnother driver racing past youA person near the intersectionFlashing lights from a police carFlashing lights from a utility vehicleFlashing lights from a tow truck For Texting While Driving TicketsLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.305?*YesNoInstead of texting were you making a phone call?*YesNoInstead of texting were you trying to answer a phone call?*YesNoInstead of texting were you entering an address in a map?*YesNoInstead of texting were you following your GPS?*YesNoInstead of texting were you changing your music on your phone?*YesNo For Driving Under the Influence TicketsWere you pulled over for a moving violation, or did you get stopped at a DUI checkpoint?*Pulled OverCheckpointIs this your first arrest for DUI?*YesNoHow many times have you been arrested for DUI before this time?*OneTwoThreeFourFiveHow many times have you been convicted of DUI?*NoneOneTwoThreeFourFiveDid you take the breathalyzer?*YesNo What did the police officer claim was your blood alcohol level?Did you do the field sobriety exercises?*YesNoDid you admit to the police that you were drinking?*YesNoWould you be willing to accept a lesser charge, such as reckless driving, to avoid a DUI?*YesNoDo you want a lawyer who charges a reasonable fee to contact you about helping with your case?*YesNo For Other Driving Violations TicketsWhat did you get a ticket for?*Following too closelyFailing to use turn signalPassing in a no passing zoneFailing to drive in the right lane when driving slowFailing to change lanes for stopped police or emergency vehicleFuneral procession interferenceMusic too loudCareless drivingOther Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.0895?*YesNoIf you were following too closely, was it because the driver in front of you slowed down too quickly?*YesNoDid the driver in front of you have brake lights that did not work?*YesNoIf you were following too closely, was it because the driver behind you would not let you in and you had to squeeze into the lane?*YesNoIf you were following too closely, was it because someone was harassing you and you were trying to get away?*YesNoIf you were following too closely, was it because you had to switch lanes to make a turn?*YesNoIf you were following too closely, was it because you had to switch lanes to exit the interstate?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.155?*YesNoWas your turn signal broken?*YesNoDid you know your turn signal was broken when you got the ticket?*YesNoDid you get your turn signal fixed?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to show you got your turn signal fixed?*YesNoDid you use a hand signal out your window to turn?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.0875?*YesNoDid you start passing in a zone where passing was allowed?*YesNoDid you know you were in a no passing zone?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.081?*YesNoWere you unable to safely move out of the left lane because of cars in the right lane?*YesNoWere you traveling the speed limit and did not realize that you still had to move out of the left lane?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.126(1)(b)?*YesNoWere you unable to safely move out of the lane because of cars in the other lane?*YesNoDid you slow down to 20 miles per hour under the speed limit?*YesNoCould you see the police or emergency vehicle on the side of the road due to traffic?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.1974?*YesNoDid you know it was a funeral procession?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.3045?*YesNoDid you realize how loud your music was?*YesNo Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.1925?*YesNoDo you have a good reason why you were driving the way you were?*YesNo Do you have a good reason why you were driving the way you were?*YesNo For Driver's License TicketsWhat problem with your driver's license caused you to get a ticket?*No valid licenseLicense was suspendedLicense was expiredWrong address on licenseWrong name on licenseFailure to display licenseLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.03?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that you did not have a valid driver's license?*YesNoDid you get a valid driver's license after the ticket?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.34?*YesNoHave you had 2 prior “driving with a suspended license” tickets?*YesNo Before being ticketed, did you know that your license was suspended?*YesNoDo you have to work to support your family and need to be able to drive to work?*YesNoDid you clear up the reason for your driver's license suspension after the ticket?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.065?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your license was expired?*YesNoDo you have to work to support your family and need to be able to drive to work?*YesNoDid you have a valid driver's license in another state at the time you were ticketed?*YesNoDid you renew your license after the ticket so that it is not expired?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.19?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your address was wrong on your license?*YesNoDid you intend to update your address but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you move recently?*YesNoDid you move less than 30 days before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get the address corrected on your license after the ticket?*YesNo Before being ticketed, did you know about the rule on updating your address?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.19?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your name was wrong on your license?YesNoDid you intend to update your name but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you change your name recently?*YesNoDid you change your name less than 30 days before being ticketed?*YesNo Did you get your name corrected on your license after the ticket?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know about the rule on updating your name on your license?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 322.15?*YesNoHad your license been stolen before you were ticketed?*YesNoHad you lost your license before being ticketed?*YesNoWas there a good reason that you did not have your license with you when you were ticketed?*YesNoWere you afraid to reach into your pocket to get your license?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know about the rule that you need to have your license with you and show it to the police officer on request?*YesNo For Car Registration TicketsWhat problem with your car registration caused you to get a ticket?*No registrationExpired registrationFailure to display registrationLooking at your ticket, does it say section 320.0605?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that you did not have a valid registration?*YesNoDid you register your vehicle after the ticket to fix the problem?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 320.07?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your registration was expired?*YesNoDid you intend to renew your registration but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNo Did your registration expire less than 30 days before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you renew your registration after the ticket to fix the problem?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 320.0605?*YesNoHad your registration been stolen before you were ticketed?*YesNoHad you lost your registration before being ticketed?*YesNoWas there a good reason that you did not have your registration with you when you were ticketed?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know about the rule on displaying your registration?*YesNo For Car Insurance TicketsLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.646?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your insurance was expired?*YesNoDid you intend to renew your insurance but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid your insurance expire less than 30 days before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you buy car insurance after the ticket to fix the problem?*YesNo For Vehicle Equipment TicketsWhat problem with your vehicle's equipment were you ticketed for?*Head light not workingBrake light not workingTurn signal not workingCracked windshieldWindow tint too darkOther Looking at your ticket, does it say section 316.220?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your head light was not working?*YesNoHad you meant to get your head light fixed but just had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get your head light fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your head light was fixed?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.221?*YesNoHad you meant to get your brake light fixed but just had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get your brake light fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your brake light was fixed?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.222?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your turn signal was not working?*YesNoDid you intend to get your turn signal fixed but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get your turn signal fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your turn signal was fixed?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.2952?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your windshield was cracked?*YesNoDid you intend to get your windshield fixed but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid your windshield get cracked recently before you got a ticket?*YesNoDid you get your windshield fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your windshield was fixed?*YesNoLooking at your ticket, does it say section 316.2952 or 316.2954?*YesNoDid you have your tint installed by someone else and did you ask for the “darkest law allows” or “DLA”?*YesNoWas the tint already installed in your vehicle when you bought it?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know that your tint was too dark?*YesNoDid you intend to get your tint fixed but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get your tint fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your tint was fixed?*YesNoBefore being ticketed, did you know about the problem with your vehicle?*YesNoDid you intend to get your vehicle fixed but had not gotten it done before being ticketed?*YesNoDid you get your vehicle fixed after the ticket?*YesNoDo you have a receipt or invoice to prove your vehicle was fixed?*YesNo Moving ViolationMoving violation Price: $14.95 Credit Card American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name